Great Kindness Challenge Week - 1.28-1.31

Next week BMMS will be celebrating the Great Kindness Challenge Week. We have the following activities planned:

  • Monday: No school
  • Tuesday: Acts of Kindness Checklist – complete 25 acts of kindness for a small prize at the end of the week
  • Wednesday: Paws for Kindness – therapy pets in the Wellness Center during lunch
  • Thursday: Be Kind to Your Teacher – today and always!
  • Friday: Dream of Kindness – pajama day


Also, as part of our celebration, we will be participating in the LOVE for LA campaign. BMMS will be collecting new socks and heartfelt notes of kindness to be distributed to families affected by the fires in LA. You can participate by doing one or both of the following:

  • Donating new socks of any size
  • Writing a heartfelt note


We will collect socks and notes through February 10th. You can deliver your donations to the front office, the Wellness Center, or leave with your teacher for collection by the Wellness Club. Students can stop by the Wellness Center during lunch to write a note.

Attached Files