Attendance Procedures
24-hour Attendance Hotline at 484-1300, ext 1

Please call the Attendance Hotline for all absences, tardies, and early dismissals.
When your child is absent, please call the attendance hotline at (858) 484-1300, extension 1, by 10am on the day of the absence. Our hotline is available 24/7. If you are aware of an upcoming absence, you can always ahead of time. For multiple day absences, please call each day, unless you let us know the date range your child will be out.
Only a parent/guardian can clear absences.
Note: Whenever possible, it is beneficial to your child's attendance record to bring in a doctor/dental note for medical absences.
Note: Whenever possible, it is beneficial to your child's attendance record to bring in a doctor/dental note for medical absences.
Tardies: Tardy students walking into class impact the learning environment for everyone. Please be on time.
If you child is tardy:
- They must report to the Attendance Office. Parents may send notes, or call the attendance hotline, if the tardy is to be excused.
- All tardies accompanied by a doctor/dentist note will not count toward your child's attendance record.
Tardy policy:
- 3 tardies = warning.
- 4 tardies = detention.
- 5 tardies, and continuing tardies = referral(s) to Assistant Principal.
**Parents may excuse 3 tardies per semester.
OCIS Contract:
Should there be a planned absence of 3-14 days, please see the attendance at least 5 days prior to the absence.
Should there be a planned absence of 3-14 days, please see the attendance at least 5 days prior to the absence.
This contract allows the student to complete work that he/she would be doing if they were in class and helps the school to continue to receive funding from the state.
Absences over 14 days may require alternative choices for schooling (i.e. - New Directions).
Home tutors may be appropriate for some extended medical problems. Please notify us as soon as possible if you feel your child may be eligible for such support.
Absences over 14 days may require alternative choices for schooling (i.e. - New Directions).
Home tutors may be appropriate for some extended medical problems. Please notify us as soon as possible if you feel your child may be eligible for such support.
Early Release:
If you need to pick your child up from school before the end of the school day, please call the attendance hotline, or send a note to the office before school on that morning.
Please specify the time you will be picking them up, so that we can have them in the office waiting for you. If you determine during the day that you will need to pick up your child early, please, call (858) 484-1300 ext 1 as soon as possible. This will prevent delays for you and will help us to minimize interruptions to the classroom learning environment.
The attendance hotline is available 24/7, allowing advance calling for pre-existing appointments, etc. All students must be signed out in the office before departing early!
The attendance hotline is available 24/7, allowing advance calling for pre-existing appointments, etc. All students must be signed out in the office before departing early!