Communications » Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Good Morning Raiders! 

Today is Friday March 28th.

At this time we now invite you to stand, stop conversations and pause in place for the Pledge of Allegiance. Remove hats and place your right hand over your heart. Ready…. Begin: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Your lunch daily options are being served today along with your choice of a pulled pork sandwich, chicken sandwich, either regular, spicy or vegan, deep dish cheese or pepperoni pizza, or a turkey and cheese sandwich. 

The Dancing Raiders meet in 1003 during lunch A today.

After school the Cloud Club will meet in Room 810 from 3 to 5pm.


AVID applications are due TODAY!  Be sure to select AVID as your #1 elective choice. We are excited to review your applications! Letters of acceptance will be sent later this spring.


Stop by the library to vote for our Book March Madness Elite 8 Books.


Please check the lost and found before everything gets donated. If you are missing pe clothes or pe bags, shoes, water bottles or hoodies, chances are it has been found.


It’s time for our Mindful Minute! This is a chance for us to start the day with clear minds, ready to learn and focus. Take a deep breath in, hold for a moment, then slowly let it out. Pause for a second and repeat. Get comfortable, stay quiet, and focus on your breathing, ….1,2,3, Begin.                

Have a Fantastic Friday Raiders!