Frequently Asked Questions
What time should I pick up my child?
Students without early release forms must be picked up between 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Please contact Valeria Cervantes ([email protected]) regarding Early Release Forms.
Where do I pick up my child?
The ASES office is located next to the gym (Multipurpose Room). If we are unavailable, please visit the Front Office to find your child.
What is the latest time I can pick up my child?
6:00 p.m. You will receive a few warnings if you continue to pick up your child after 6:00 p.m. Your student will be in jeopardy of forfeiting their spot in the ASES program.
For Morning ASES, what time is the earliest drop-off?
6:30 a.m. is the earliest (7:00 a.m. on Wednesday).
For Morning ASES, what is the latest drop-off?
6:59 a.m. for regular days. 7:29 a.m. on late start days (Wednesday). Please fill out a LATE ARRIVAL FORM if you will drop off students after the latest drop-off time.
Can my child attend Power Hour, PE Makeups, Tutorial, or other after-school activities unrelated to ASES?
Yes. First, the student needs to sign in with ASES. Then, they should let the ASES educator know where they are going and that they are free to do other after-school activities.
Are there any ASES Sports?
Check BMMS ASES Sports Schedule
Are there any field trips?
Sometimes, we have ASES field trips on minimum days. However, students with disciplinary behaviors are not allowed to participate.
How much is ASES?
ASES is attendance grant-based, so it is free. It is funded through your attendance. You are also welcome to donate if you like. Write a check payable to PUSD—and BMMS ASES on the memo line. See also the left column for donations online via the PUSD Classroom Online Donation Registry. Check our Donation page for other ways to support ASES.
Can I donate items?
Yes. Please drop them off in the ASES office or Front office. Check our Donation page.
Are there any social media accounts?
We only have Instagram. Follow @bmms.ases. We would also provide a newsletter through Synergy.
What do disciplinary actions in ASES look like?
We believe in restorative practices and will communicate with parents, counselors, teachers, and administrators to help families. If students and families no longer help us or do not provide efforts for change, ASES will no longer be the right program for your child.
Who do we need to contact for more information?
Email Jireh Advincula ([email protected])
Email Valeria Cervantes ([email protected])
Site Cellphone: 868 922 6985
Landline: 858 484 1300 ext. 3079 or 3077
You can donate online through PUSD Classroom Online Donation Registry
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